Welcome to Tri-Town Chamber of Commerce
“The Voice of Business in Foxborough, Norton and Mansfield”
Whether it's Tourism, Local Business, Economic Development, Community Happenings and/or Education, you will find everything you need with the Tri-Town Chamber of Commerce.
WHY you should become a Chamber Member? We provide you with the forums for you to make meaningful business contacts, as well as offer you a powerful marketing tool to promote your business. Doing Business takes work, but surrounding yourself with other business people makes it easier. Plus your investment is affordable, The Chamber's base Annual Membership for a business with 1-4 Employees is only $25.00 a month. Give us a call and we can discuss if the Chamber is the right choice for your business. PDF Application
A Member's Perspective "During my 30 years in banking, I have been a member of many chambers based upon the state and town my branch or branches were based in. While I have found value in the business connections that I made at each of those chambers, none, in my opinion, have compared to the close-knit community that exists within the Tri-Town Chamber of Commerce. While we cover three towns, the connections are powerful and far-reaching. Someone always knows of someone who can help you with your business. I especially love the collaborative events held by the Women’s Link. Women supporting women, I always find these events inspiring. Most importantly, as a member, I have enjoyed doing business with other chamber members and have formed friendships over the last nine years that I truly appreciate both from a personal and business perspective." Carie Bailey, Bluestone Bank more from our members
- Economic Development Video "Why Do Business in The Tri-Town Area"
- Sign Up for Chamber Chat - to receive our BiMonthly enews communication. It will keep you up to date on business and community opportunities in Mansfield, Foxborough and Norton click here
Our Mission Statement: The Tri-Town Chamber of Commerce is a private, not for-profit corporation whose mission is to bring business people together to improve the economic well-being of their organizations and thereby improve the quality of life in our communities.
Our Vision Statement: To be an outstanding Chamber of Commerce in which all businesses in the Tri-Town Area are active and engaged Chamber Members, contributing to each other's success and realizing significant value from their membership. -